Monday, 9 October 2017

Are You Living In A Simulation World?

Humans. There are 7.5 billions of human in all around the world. We are growing doubled in numbers compare to five decades ago. Some reached their self enrichment, some are trying so hard reach their goals, some were born with a silver spoon, and some even born in unfortunate life. There is scientist, dentist, lecturers, singer, housewife, students, waiters, and there are so many kinds of human with different personality and attitude living in this society in different culture. Some of us  were so used to play computer games which simulate the real life simulation like Warcraft, Counter Strike, The Sims and Sudden Attack. We were controling our characters in these simulation games, and sometimes we even control our characters through creative writings, and movie making. But what if, your life, is also a simulation? The coffee you drink, the rice you eat, the friend you have met, the cat you've petted at the roadside, and even the article you are reading in your device right now, is a form data, that have been processed into a simulation output?
   Let's take it an example ; you feel hungry out of sudden. You grab your Maggi to curb your hunger. Perhaps you were eating while watching a horror film from your computer. Next, lets say, you wanted to kill someone who stole your boyfriend. You managed to kill the b***t. Now, if I were to apply the hypothesis of simulation reality into the above situation, you were probably being programed by 'somebody' : the maggi you grab, and the horror movie that you choose to watch, is actually chosen by the one who controlled you, is not exist, but your consciousness assumed that they were there. Just like when you were playing The Sims, and the girl you have killed, is actually a simulation to the 'somebody' from an advance civilizations or a mature 'posthuman',  just like how you control characters in GTA V and Yandere Simulator. These characters weren't exist just like us. Sounds creepy but yet skeptical? Relax. Calm your chest. This is just a hypothesis and doesn't necessarily reflect the true facts, albeit, it could be real.

The History Simulation Reality

The history of simulation reality can be traced back to 3rd century BC, where an ancient classical Chinese book, Zhuangzi, written by Zhuang Zhou, a Taoist philosopher during the late Warring State Period was published. The book contains large collection of fables, anecdotes, parables and allegories which reflects the society behaviour during the period.
   One of the story, The Butterfly Dream, portrays that Zhuangzhou dreamed himself become a butterfly. He flew happily everywhere forgetting that he was Zhuangzhou. Then he woke up, and in confusion, he doesn't know Zhuang Zhou dreamt as a butterfly, or a butterfly dream as Zhuangzhou. Between Zhuangzhou and the butterfly, there must be some distinction! It is called 'Transformation of Things'.

   There were some accounts of proto simulation reality portrays in Vedic text known as philosophy of 'Maya'. Maya known as an illusion that appear as a present object but they are not what they seem to be. In the concept of Atharvaveda, Maya stands for everything that has material and physical form, human or non human that does not revealed the implicit knowledge that creates it. In simpler explaination, it means that this world is both real and false due to its existance, thus, this world does not appeared as what it seems to be.
   Lets take a simpler example. Take a look on the picture below.

What did you see? A man with a huge legs? Weird isn't? If you see it clearly, it was the angle of the photo taken that shows that the shoe is bigger than the man in nearer angle. But what does it have to do with the hypothesis that I am talking about? Well it does. The man with the 'big legs' is an allusion of what we witnessed in our everyday life, while in real situation, our consciousness might be programed by an unknown force, as how the photographer manipulate the position of the photography to create an illusion that the man has a giant leg.

The Simulation Argument
   We are living in a world that we assume everything that happens remain in a constant logic : that logic applies to any events is based on what we know. We won't see an apple float on the air. But the one whom may programmed our consciousness might have a different law of logic. For example, you are holding a handheld device to read this article. In reality, you are actually holding a solid state particles and atoms that formed the device on your hand, and the particles are actually a pixels in a highly advance supercomputer.
   The theory of simulation hypothesis had attract a great attention since its introduction by Nick Bostrom. According to his theory of reality notion, human does not have body flesh, but our brain exist as the network of computer, while living in a notion of simulation that does not exist, and the actual reality is above our basic understanding of the logical reasoning in our simulation world.

   If the theory proposed were true, that means everyone in the world are living in super computer simulation. In afterlife, there will be a possibility that we our consciousness will be uploaded in a different simulation after our death in our present simulation. Our fate will be determine on how we behave before our death. Heaven and hell, and reincarnations may just another form of virtual simulation that happens in the other form of universe with different logic applies, and maybe even the God himself, is the one who are usinh our consciousness to form a simulation world, or an advance being that trying to recreate the simulation of the extinct human for their studies on our culture and society.

   He also uses the anthropic reasoning and discovered that if the simulation reality is indeed true, almost everyone are certainly living in simulations, and the total number of simulated ancestors, would greatly exceed the total number of humans that have been simulated.
   Elon Musk recently had mentions that the probability that we live in base reality is close to zeros and more likely to live in historical ancestor simulation created by the advance civilizations from the distant future. Fiften years ago, we wouldn't imagine our technology would be advance as what we have today. Today, we have internet connections everywhere, a close to realistic simulation game, and many more technologies available. Do you think you are living in a simulation world? Think again.

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