Friday 3 November 2017

Gods, Flying Saucers and Aliens

God with enormous thunderbolt like Jupiter

A prophet with a technological ability to separate waters, and building a DNA bank

A flying Vimana

Creation of humans using genetic modification

And some thousand years old artifact that can't be imitate by a current technology.

Many of us believe that we were visited by beings, known as Gods and deities in the past. What if it were true? Ancient astronaut theorist believe that the beings, are the extra-terrestrial entities, visited our Earth to shape our society. The evidence that supported the theory can be found in various ancient text such as the Roman mythology, Sumerian text, Vedic text, the Bible and even the artifact itself. Before I further on this blog, please be aware that were written here is just a theory and I have no intention to insult any religion.

   The theory is first popularized by Erich von Däniken in his book, Chariots of the God in 1968 that involved a closer contact between the extra-terrestrial beings and ancient humans influencing the ancient knowledge and technology. Further examples can be found in Nazca Lines in Peru that depict various shapes that are visible from the sky, Japanese figurine, the Dogu from the Jomon Period ( that 1000-400 BC) that resemble a person on spacesuit, Stonehenge, Egyptian Pyramid, a 3000 years old Egyptian New Kingdom carving that resemble a helicopter, Vimana from the Vedic text and the Ezekiels vision of stairway to heavens, wheels and angels in the Bible that resembles a spacecraft.

Comparison to Dogu Statue in Japan's Jomon Period(right), a Mesoamerica carving during the Mayan period(left) and a modern human wearing a spacesuit (center)

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph resembling a modern knowledge.

Further evidence

Creation myths

The further evidence can be found in Bible and Sumerian hieroglyph tablets details the account of possible genetic engineering on primitive human. in Sumerian text, Annunaki was descended from the star name Nibiru(Planet Nibiru?) and create some modern humans to mine gold where the gold resources are already depleting in his star. In this creation myth, the first human he created named Adamu. After some time, more and more humans were created and became the labour force to mine more gold in short period of time. A similar text can be found in Bible, the book of Genesis where God create the first human, where he named him Adam. To give him a companion, He took a portion of Adam's ribs to create a human female. The mind blowing facts were debated throughout the history after the ancient astronaut theory proposed, is that both Adamu and Adam and Eve were both genetically altered human. The Sumerian text and the Book of Genesis also revealed many similarities in their stories ; Gods descended to Earth and create the first human, and also the languages that marks them came from the similar origin. For example, Adamu in Sumerian refers as the 'first man', while Adam in Hebrew refers as 'man'. Ancient astronaut theorist believes that both Annunaki and God, and Adam and Adamu are the same entities despite the difference of both religions.

Flying saucers

The vimana from the religious Vedic text, there are many references of flying objects that  can be possibly decipher as a flying saucers, or  Vimana that were used by many Gods including Indra. The Vedic text also illustrate the mechanical technique on creating a vimana were made and depict as a double-deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome, just like how a UFO described by the witness who claim to saw the flying saucers. Vimana stated to be flew with the "speed of the wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound." 

An illustration of the vimana in Mahabaratha text depict vimana as a double-deck,
circular (cylindrical) aircraft with portholes and a dome.

How vimana would look like if the current civilizations could possibly mimic the vimana creation.

   Some medieval paintings also depicts the flying saucers in the paintings, including the religious paintings as shown below.
A flying saucer were seen in background during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

An altar piece painted by Italian artist Carlo Criveli (1486)illustrate  the Virgin Mary became a mother of Jesus as blessed by Angel Gabriel. A flying saucer is clearly visible.

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino,  painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio. In the background, a man and his dog is shown to have witness the flying saucers.

A disk shaped object appears shines beams of light on John the Baptist and Jesus during his baptism ceremony.

What do you think about these medieval painting? Coincidence?

The Architecture

In Giza, Egypt, the most mysterious of Egypt’s pyramids built more than 4,500 years ago, the Pyramids at Giza are the famous monumental tombs where ancient queens and pharaohs were buried. But there is an astronomical reference of the pyramids, which is said to align with the stars in Orion’s belt. 

The alignment of the three pyramids and the belt of the Orion constellation is strikingly matched.
Who built the pyramid? What is the reason for the pyramid to be built in such alignment?
   The answer perhaps can be found in Teotihuacán’s Pyramid of the Sun in ancient Mexico. Describe as the City of Gods, it were said to be built by the Mayans to allow the Gods to descend from the sky. As the enormous monument could houses 200 000 people,ancient astronaut theorist suggest that the pyramid is built to allow the ancient aliens to land their space craft on it. The Teotihuacan Pyramid also said to be built by the Aliens long before the homo sapien even exists.
Pyramid of Teotihuacan, Mexico.
There are dozens more of evidence of ancient aliens can be found in various monuments, artifacts and mythology. Despite the difference of culture and society, Gods and angels often depicted as an intelligent beings from the sky, just like Gabriel, Annunaki, Akhanathen, Aphrodite, Artemis, Mercury, Shiva, Guan Yin and Poseidon. 
   Today, the ancient astronaut theory being criticized and ridiculed as one of the controversial, fabricate and illogical pseudoscientific  concepts by both scientist and religious body as the evidence can be explained without relating the non-existant ancient astronaut. On the other hand, a famous philosophical physicist, Stephen Hawking believes that the alien race out there existed and were solely responsible for our 4000 years of civilizations and warned that any of our message could be scane billions of light years away to the Launching the Breakthrough Listen project , which will scan the nearest million stars for signs of life, He states that “If aliens visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.” 
   What do you think about the theory of ancient astronaut? Leave your comment below.

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